A Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness adventure or Quetico Park adventure requires the right canoe and equipment. Voyageur Canoe Outfitters has everything you need and more.
State of the Art Equipment: When you are camping in the wilderness you do not want to worry about your equipment. We provide you with quality equipment at an affordable price so you can enjoy your time in the canoe country. Your canoe is the most important piece of equipment on your canoe trip so you’ll want to be sure to choose the right one. The equipment we send out on BWCAW trips is the same equipment we take with us when we paddle the wilderness ourselves.
Our equipment is easy to use especially our outfitter tents. They are sturdy and you can choose the size tent you want for your group. Tell us your sleeping arrangements so we can provide you with the correct number and size of tent(s). A good rule of thumb is to choose a tent sized for one more person than will actually sleep in the tent. Camp is your home away from home. We see it as our job to assure you a clean and comfortable home.
We have limited parking space and therefore charge an additional cost for parking if you are not getting one of our Outfitting Packages. If you wish to park at Voyageur while on your trip it is an additional $5 per day per vehicle.

- Outfitter Tent
- Ground Cloth
- Kitchen Fly
- Granite Gear Packs
- Bear Rope
- Sleeping Pad
- Hollofill Sleeping Bag w/ Stuff Sack
- Folding Saw/Ax
- Camp Shovel
- Water Jug & Bottle
- Misc. Items: (Matches, Toilet Paper, etc.)
- Cook Kit & Utensils
- Choice of Menu Options
- Misc. Clean Up: (Paper towels, sponge, soap, etc.)
- Firestarter & Firegrate for Quetico Trips
- Stove & Fuel
- Frying Pan
- Filet Knife
- Plate, cups, etc.
- Canoe
- Paddles & Life Jacket
- Routing Session
- One Map
- Bunkhouse, Breakfast & Shower

When reserving items for partial outfitting please be aware that charges are per calendar day and no half day rentals are available. Canoe rentals include paddles and vests parking not included. Parking is $5 per day. Showers are not included with canoe rentals, but you can add one to your trip or make your trip even more enjoyable by taking advantage of the bunkhouse, breakfast, and shower package for only $50 per person. A bunkhouse, breakfast, and shower package includes a private bunkhouse for your group the night before your trip, a hot pancake breakfast the morning of your trip, and use of the shower house before and after your trip (parking included for night in bunkhouse).
Item | 1st Day | Each Additional Day | Item | 1st Day | Each Additional Day |
Granite Gear Pack (Medium) | $25.00 | $10.00 | Bunkhouse Stay | $30.00 | $30.00 |
Granite Gear Pack (Large) | $25.00 | $10.00 | Breakfast(no lodging) | $20.00 | $20.00 |
Granite Gear Food Pack | $25.00 | $10.00 | Shower | $10.00 | $10.00 |
Tent (2-3 Person) | $40.00 | $15.00 | Thermarest Pad | $15.00 | $5.00 |
Tent (4-5 Person) | $45.00 | $15.00 | Sleeping Bag | $15.00 | $5.00 |
Stove & Fuel | $20.00 | $10.00 | Crazy Creek Chair | $12.00 | $4.00 |
Cook Kit (Per Person) | $5.00 | $5.00 | Spot Locator | $30.00 | $10.00 |
Parking (per vehicle) | $5.00 | $5.00 | Routing Session | $36.00 | — |
Fishing Rod & Reel | $10.00 | $10.00 | Boat & Motor | $140.00 | $140.00 |

Each guest is unique as is each of our canoes. We have a variety of our preferred canoes for your special journey and will help you choose one which best suits your needs.The canoe you choose should be the one that is best for your trip. In order to pick the right canoe you’ll need to consider a number of things such as your route, type of trip, size of your group, amount of gear and level of experience.
Kevlar canoes are fast, sleek and lightweight so they are great for trips that require you to portage long distances. Aluminum and royalex canoes are nice to fish out of but are on the heavier side. If you’re not planning to portage or you’re super strong then an aluminum or royalex canoe is just fine.
Feel free to contact us if you’re unsure of the best canoe for you, your group, your trip, or your route. We will gladly share our experiences with you and since we’re located on the water you can try them out before you depart for the BWCAW.
All of our canoe rentals include paddles and life vests. We outfit to all entry points on the Gunflint Trail and provide free transportation to most.
Canoe Rental Rates (Per Canoe/Per Day)
Make & Model | Materials | Length | Width | Depth | Weight | Rate Per Day | Rate Per Week |
Alumacraft Quetico 17cl | Aluminum | 17′ | 36″ | 13″ | 62 lbs | $45 | $270 |
Three Person Aluminum or Royalex Canoe | Aluminum | 18’6″ | 37″ | 13″ | 72 lbs | $55 | $330 |
Wenonah Spirit II | Royalex | 17′” | 34″ | 3/4″ | 67 lbs | $45 | $270 |
Wenonah Prism (solo) | Kevlar | 16’5″ | 30.75″ | 12.5″ | 37 lbs | $50 | $300 |
Wenonah MN II | Kevlar | 18’5″ | 35″ | 12.5″ | 42 lbs | $55 | $330 |
Wenonah Boundary Waters | Kevlar | 17′ | 36.5″ | 14″ | 41 lbs | $55 | $330 |
Wenonah Seneca | Kevlar | 20′ | 35″ | 12.5″ | 55 lbs | $60 | $360 |
Wenonah Basswood | Kevlar | 17′ | 36.5″ | 13.25” | 47 lbs | $55 | $330 |
Wenonah Basswood Solo | Kevlar | 15′ 7′ | 31.2″ | 13.25” | 34 lbs | $50 | $300 |

Voyageur's Guarantee
We promise to make your participation with Voyageur a success. Please let us know if any part of your experience, which was under our control, did not meet your satisfaction. We will make it right for you!