Standard Expedition Package Includes:
- Private Bunk House the night before your trip
- Outfitting Tent
- Ground Cloth
- Kitchen fly
- Granite Gear Packs
- Bear Rope & Extra Rope
- Sleeping Pad
- Hollofill Sleeping Bags w/ Stuff Sack
- Mess Kit: Cookware, Utensils, Spatula, & Filet Knife
- Dish Soap/SOS Pads, Dish Towels, Pot Holder
- Misc. Items: Matches, Mess Kit,
Clean-up, Fire Starter, Toilet Paper, Cook Kit
- Pre-Trip Routing Session
- Pre-Trip Private Bunkhouse Stay
- Choice of Menu Options
- Snacks & Staples
- Fish Batter & Oil
- Water Jug
- Firestarter & Firegrate for Quetico Trips
- Stove & Fuel
- Folding Saw/Ax
- Camp Shovel
- A List of Items to Bring
- Royalex or Aluminum Canoe
- Aluminum Paddles
- Vest-Style Life Jackets
- Set of Travel Maps
- Pancake Breakfast (Morning of Trip)
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